Making a Key Chain and
Kute-uchi Next Level L14

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Workshop program


Materials fee

1000 yen each

Auhor's book 1994

Masako Kinoshita


Collyer Ekholm
Valerie Frey
Hiroko Fukuda
Michael Hattori
Anna Hurwitz
Nasako Imai
Sandy Jessett
Chieko Kako
Keishi Kikukawa
Lucinda Stephenson
Helen Vonow
Kathleen Warner
Eiko Yasuda

(13 of 15)

Masako Kinoshita

Ithaca, USA

Making a Key Chain: L-m Braiding Introductory Course
This class introduces the methods for making the two most common f-h l-m braids in regions outside Asia. Although these two braids are found among the majority of people who live in these areas and use the f-h l-m braiding, they are rarely made with other braiding methods and so are deemed as the hallmarks of the technique. Participants make a key chain using a braid in a two-color design scheme incorporating the two braids used in Peru and Bolivia. Each participant receives a set of the text printouts.
F-h l-m組紐技法の中で、アジアを除いて、世界に最も広く分布すると見える組み方です。F-h l-m技法以外で組まれる事は殆どないので、この技法の目印とされる重要な意味を持つ組紐です。木綿刺繍糸を用いて2種類の最も基本的な組み方を習得後、ペルーやボリビア等で用いられている、この2種に基づく柄だし法を応用してキーチェインを作ります。

Kute-uchi: Next Level Introductory Course
For those who have learned to make the three basic braids, this class introduces loop braiding in which the loops are held around the hands (h-h), thus allowing one to hold a larger number of the loops, and more importantly to manipulate loops in four steps.
The participants, after making the three basic braids using the 2-step h-h method, make Tsunegumi (an 8-ridge twill flat braid) and Mitake-gumi (a double square braid) using 4-step procedures. They are two of the eight procedures that have been reconstructed from "Soshun Biko (Notes on Braiding)," an Early Eighteenth Century Treatise.
Each participant receives a text-sample notebook on to which the sample swatches made in the class may be affixed.
Loop braiding

Samples of the Medieval braids